SARVA INDIA: 100% Free Computer Center Franchise?

What is 100% Computer Center Franchise?

Ans: A 100% Free Computer Education Franchise Scheme- Recognized by MCA/Govt of India, Registered Ministry of Corporate Affair and ISO Certified company offers computer training projects without any charges, aiming to promote digital literacy. "Free" means no fees are required before or after joining. If any fees are demanded, it could be a scam—stay alert and verify authenticity!

Why 100% Free Computer Training Institute Franchise Registration In India?

Ans: Before Join/Register Any 100% Free Computer Institute Franchise organization in villages or cities of India or Sarva Paid Computer Center Franchise/Affiliation/Registration across India, Know the exact differences and decide-

Sarva Paid Computer Franchise Vs Other Free Computer Franchise Provider

Sarva Paid Computer Institute Franchise
 Other Free Computer Center Franchise
Sarva India Paid IT Franchise always offers Full Franchise support with transparent fees.
Free computer training franchise always Offers limited Franchise support with hidden fees.
Issues full center affiliation certificates.
No Full Affiliation, Only Provisional Affiliation Certificates given (valid for 2-3 months) with admission targets (6 to 50 students). Failure to meet targets can lead to center cancellation after 2-3 months.
Provides easy terms for renewal with a small renewal fee.
Promises Free Renewal but sets yearly admission targets of 20 to 100 Admission for Renewal. Failure to meet admission target can result in heavy re-affiliation charges or franchise cancellation.
Does not use Free Franchise Offer word in Ads.
Free Franchise Always misuses "Free Franchise Offer" Word in ads to mislead the public and charge Fees From Rs. 2000 to 15000 with big target of admission (20 to 100) for continuing affiliation or center renewal. Note- If Any Franchise Offer "Free Center Franchise" then Do not pay Single Rs Before Affiliation or after Affiliation. Because Free means Without Any Charge. If Free Franchise is not charging any fees before joining or after joining, then you can join them, otherwise you may be victim of Scam. So be cautious!
Does not misuse PM Images in Ads.
Often misuses images of the Prime Minister in Ads to attract franchise without permission from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).
Uses organization official logos only.
Free Franchise or Some Paid Franchise Misuses logos of PMKVY, NIELIT, Skill India, Digital India and Government of India Lion Logo on student certificates and franchise materials without proper permission Note-1: Registering a center name with the relevant departments does not grant permission to use their logos on student or franchise certificates. Written permission is explicitly required for such usage. Note-2: No free or paid institute franchise has been authorized to use government logos on their students or franchise certificates. If any institute claims otherwise, it is advised to consult the relevant department for verification or with copyright legal expert.
Provides accurate and verifiable network information.
Claims a network of 6,000 to 7,050+ centers, but the provided center list link is often non-functional or inaccessible.
Develops original content, ensuring all materials are unique, professional and legally compliant.
Frequently copies content from other reputed franchise websites, lacking originality and risking copyright infringement.
Provides accurate and verifiable year of organization establishment 2008.
Misleads with incorrect organization establishment dates (e.g., claiming registration in 2005 or 2006 while the actual registration date is different).
Does not provide franchise of ITI Listed Vocational courses.
Copy and offers Government ITI similar courses Franchise without permission from the National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT), Govt of India. Check NCVT ITI Centre List. You will not find any free franchise name in list for providing franchise of ITI courses, NCVT never allow its affiliated center to distribute further franchisee of its courses.
Uses up-to-date technology with good future growth prospects.
Free Franchise Uses outdated technology and provides minimal opportunities for future growth.
Provides effective marketing strategies and delivers genuine online admission inquiries.
Promises 100 confirmed admissions but only delivers inquiries, often resulting in 2 to 5 actual admissions out of 100 inquiries, while charging large fees based on these inquiries.
Holds legitimate registration and licenses from the central government.
Often lacks legitimate registration or certifications with government.


Please read the full article below to avoid any misrepresentation circulating online regarding free or Paid Computer Institute Franchise offers-

Presently Following Terms are being used by "Free Computer Institute Franchise Providers" such as- Recognised by Govt of India, Ministry of corporate Affairs, MHRD, ISO, MSME, Board, Council, Labour Department, Board, University, Vigilance, Education Policy, 7050+ Computer Franchise Institutes since 2005 or 2006, UGC or Univesrity Approved Courses Franchise, Valid Computer Certificate Diploma For Govt Jobs, using govt logo or its schemes logos on student certificates etc.

So here, we have tried our best to make public aware about usages of said Terms with legal consultation, Read Below-

Why Should You Know Reality of Free Computer Education Franchise/Free IT Center Affiliation/Free Computer Training Institute Registration in India in 2025-26? 

Answer: Certain private institutes are utilizing misleading terms in their advertisements, such as "FREE COMPUTER CENTER FRANCHISE," "Recognized by Govt. of India," or "MHRD Approved Computer Education Courses Franchise," with the intent to deceive or mislead the general public under the guise of offering "FREE" opportunities.

  • Free Franchise Institutes Provides Limited support and charges hidden fees.
  • Free franchises often use photos of the Prime Minister of India on their institutes banners without permission from the Prime Minister Office (PMO).
  • Free franchises often misuse Logos of PMKVY, NIELIT, Skill India, Digital India, ISO company logos and the Government of India Lion logos on their student certificates and franchise materials without proper permission for the same. Simply registering the franchise institute under above mentioned government schemes is not enough; explicit written permission from the relevant government department is required to use their logos on self designed student certificates and franchise materials.
  • Till date, no permission has been granted to any free or paid franchise for using government and its schemes logos on self-designed student certificates. You can consult the relevant departments if an institute or company is using these government logos on student certificates.
  • Many free franchises claim to have a network of over 6000 to 7,050+ centers in India, but often, the provided center list link on their websites, which is non-functional or never opens.
  • Free Franchise provider Copy contents of other reputed franchise websites.
  • Free franchises often provide misleading information about their year of establishment, claiming they were registered in 2005 or 2006. However, a closer look at their actual company registration reveals a different date. This leads to public misrepresentation. 
  • Free franchises offer similar Government ITI courses and distribute franchises for them, despite lacking affiliation or permission from the National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT). For verification, you can check the NCVT website.
  • Free Franchise Uses readymade Outdated technology and minimal center future growth opportunities.
  • Free Franchise Set monthly admission targets ranging from 20 to 50 students to its franchise centers.
  • And Only provisional affiliation certificates are issued (valid for 2-3 months), which may be revoked if set targets of admissions are not achieved.
  • Free Franchise promise 100 confirmed admissions through local marketing for your center but only deliver admission inquiries, which may result in just 2 to 5 actual admissions out of 100 inquiries. Despite this, they charge you a large fee based on these inquiries.
  • They promise free center renewal but set high admission targets for renewal, which are often nearly impossible to achieve. In case of failure charges huge amount for center re-affiliation.
  • Failure to meet annual admission targets of 50 to 200 students may result in franchise cancellation after 1 year.
  • Most of Free Franchise organizations lack legitimate registration or certifications from government bodies and the diplomas they issue hold no value in most of jobs.
  • Some of the free franchise institutions charge fees by falsely claiming affiliations with government programs or schemes, such as PMKVY, NDLM or NSDC Skill Development Courses.
  • They may also use misleading terms like "donations" or "grants," provide exaggerated or fraudulent lists of operational centers and request fees for processing center kits or refundable deposits.

So, If any Pvt. Institute write Following Words- "HOW TO GET 100% FREE COMPUTER CENTER FRANCHISE" or Free Computer Education Training Courses Franchise or Affiliation or Registration in Advertisements, then "We suggest you never pay single rupees to that organization at any stage (before joining or after joining), because FREE means without any charge".

To verify, that concerned Institution is authorized to run/open franchise centers under PMKVY, NDLM, NSDC- Skill Development Free schemes or Projects, just visit concerned government, department, schemes web.

Why Some of Pvt. Free Computer Franchise Institutes are Using Vocational Council & Computer Education Board words for offering FREE Computer CENTER  Franchise?

Answer: Educational organizations that misuse terms like 'Council' or 'Board' often create misleading impressions. 

Because only central govt of India or state govt has right to establish councils & boards in India to approve courses, recognize schools, Universities or other activities.

Registering institute's name with 'council' or 'board' under trademark, copyright, or company or society acts does not confer the same status or recognition as a government council or board.

So avoid computer franchise of such type of Organizations. Because it might be a big Scam & you would be a victim of such scam.

Check Council List in India, Check National Board ListCheck State Board ListYou will not find any free computer education franchise board or council name in given govt websites.

There is only one Vocational Courses Council in India for ITI Course that is NCVT, Check NCVT Council Website, Also check Affiliated ITI Institutes list in India, Institute mentioned in ITI institutes list cannot provide further affiliation to its franchise centers & Till date govt of India or any state government has not established any Computer Education Board in India. So avoid scammer. 

How To Get An ISO 9001:2015 Approved For Computer  Institute Free Franchise?

Answer: Never Choose any Free Franchise organization on the basis of ISO 9001:2015 Certification, because ISO is issued for Quality Management System of concerned Organization or institute.

ISO (International Standard Organization) certification never allow any organization/institute to issue diploma & certificates to students.

MHRD (Ministry of Human Resources Development) Computer Institute Registration or MHRD FREE COMPUTR EDUCATION Courses Franchise- 

Answer: Lots of Free Computer Center Franchise Centers shows that they have MHRD recognised Courses, but in reality they are making you fool because MHRD never approve courses & never allow any organization to distribute franchisee/affiliation/registration of  Computer Courses, ITI Courses, Yoga Courses, Nursery Teacher Training- NTT Courses Certificates/Diploma in India.

Such type of organizations had registered their logos or Courses Prospectus or brochures under Copyright Laws in Copyright Office of MHRD for copyright protection purpose, So that, they can take legal action, when someone try to copy their registered content without their permission.

Note- Now Separate Copyright Office opened by govt, which is not under the control of MHRD. So nobody can use MHRD word along with its Registered Copyright Contents. That is illegal. 

Click Here to Register your Copyright Work. Also check Government- MHRD website (Now Ministry of Education)- MHRD Institution List to search name of institute which claims to be recognised Institute by MHRD Government to run courses or offer Franchise.

NIELIT Affiliated Pvt. Institutes are offering O Level or CCC or BCC Courses Free Franchise or registration in India-

Answer: Such type of Pvt. Free I.T Franchise Institutes misusing NIELIT Name or logos & providing Free IT Courses Franchise by using NIELIT Name or using  O Level, A Level, CCC, BCC courses name in market/advertisement in India,  Even some of Institutes are using NIELIT logo on their institute's self designed certificate & diplomas. Such type of activities are completely illegal.

Note- NIELIT never allows its affiliated institutes to offer franchise or make tie-up with another person or Institute. Nielit provide centre Affiliation for one location only, if same person want to open institute at different location, then he/she has to apply separately for that location.

If you want to join NIELIT Courses & Want to verify concerned Institute approved location & affiliation status with NIELIT, then visit- or Click on Check NIELIT Affiliated Instittues List in centre approved list, if you found that concerned approved centre location is different, then do not join that centre, it means for that location NIELIT has not affiliated concerned centre.

Note- NIELIT is not a IT Board or IT Council for approving IT Training  Courses of other IT Training Provider Society/Company in non formal sector, becuase NIELIT is also a Society/Company, Registered under Society Act/Company Act. Now NIELIT has got deemed to be university status.

Which has been established by Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Govt of India for imparting I.T training in non formal sector through its affiliated centers. NIELIT has same legal status as other I.T Training Provider Company have, As Per Company Act.

MSME (Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises) Free Registration For Computer Institute- 

Answer: Lots of Institution are registered under MSME, Govt of India & distributing Free Computer Training franchise by using MSME Name, but in reality MSME Never recognize any Institution to offer courses, issue certificates & franchise in India, because MSME web portal is made for getting UAN (Udyog Aadhaar Number for business in India) like Aadhaar card for people of India. Click Here To register Under MSME.

FREE University Courses Franchise or Affiliation- 

Answer: If any study center/institute claims to be affiliated with  pvt. University, to offer free franchise or courses like BCA, MCA, NTT, B.ED, in regular or distance mode, then avoid franchise of such type of institute, because UGC (University Grants Commission) has banned private university to offer franchise & open regular or distance education study centers in any part of India.

if you are running university courses under franchise mode then leave it today because you may be in trouble. Click Here to Read UGC Public Notice in this Regard.

Can A Private Computer Institute Franchise Provider or Society  or Trust or Company Use Govt of India Logo, Skill India logo, on its self Design Student Certificates or Diplomas or Any other Documents?

Answer: No, Only "Govt of India" has right to use Lion Logo or Ashoka Chakra logo, on its official documents, Society or Trust or Company cannot use the same on its educational Courses, Skill development programme or certificates/diploma. Click Here To Read Prohibition for using Govt of India Logo, you can also consult legal experts in this regard. 

Process to Choose Best Computer Education Franchise & NO.1 COMPUTER INSTITUTE FRANCHISE  in India- 

Answer: We suggest you before choosing any Computer Education Franchise Provider organization, try to know Registration of that Computer Institute Franchise Provider organization in India.

Any FREE Computer Center Franchise Organization, Which is providing Franchise opportunity for Starting (Opening) Computer Education Training Institute/Center all over India must have territorial jurisdiction to open (Start) Computer institutes all over India & must be certified/registered under parliament Act of Central Govt. Ministry or department.

Any Computer Centre Affiliation provider Organization which is registered under State Level or District level under State Society Act or Trust Act or under NCT, Delhi, can operate its works in concerned state or district only & not beyond the territorial jurisdiction.

Also note- Educational Society or Educational Trust are Registered for the purpose of getting affiliation for school, ITI & College, not for providing computer center franchise, certificate & diploma. 

In Simple Words- Any Society or Trust that is registered under Delhi NCT (National Capital Territory), can operate its welfare works only in its Delhi territory only, because same is registered under state govt of delhi not under central govt Act, such type of society or trust bye laws are applicable to Delhi State only.


So, If you are dealing for *FREE COMPUTER CENTRE FRANCHISE* or Looking for Computer education training Institute (Center) Registration, from any other state of India then "Avoid Computer Institute Franchise, Affiliation/Registration" under such type of organizations.

We recommend/suggest you to take | COMPUTER EDUCATION FRANCHISE | or Registration of computer Training Centre under Centre Govt. Ministry or Department Registered, Certified & licensed Organization. 

Last but not least, we wish you all the best for Registering/opening/starting new computer education training Centre or institute Process/Procedure in any part of India with low cost under Top*, Reputed- Computer Education Training Center-Institute Franchise (Affiliation) *Registration* Provider Brand Name, but we never suggest you to join Organization which are using FREE COMPUTER CENTER REGISTRATION in its Advertisements. 

Note From Author @SITED: This article has not been written with the intent of making franchise center for our organization- SITED. But to aware and save the interest of public at large.

| Disclaimer |

The guidelines, suggestions, steps, information and points presented above regarding the opening, starting, registration, affiliation, or franchise of a Computer Education Training institute under organizations claiming to be "Absolutely FREE or Without Any Charge" are provided as suggestions. Your decision to join is entirely at your discretion based on your financial capacity and judgment.

Follow Above shown Steps Before Selecting any FREE Franchise for Computer Education Courses, Basic Computer Courses, Software, Hardware Networking,  Digitel Marketing Institute in India- | Rajasthan | Sikkim | Tamil Nadu | Telangana | Tripura | Uttar Pradesh (UP) | Andhra Pradesh (AP) | Andaman and Nicobar | Arunachal Pradesh |National Capital Territory (NCT)-New Delhi | Goa | Gujarat | Haryana | Himachal Pradesh (HP) | Jammu and Kashmir | Jharkhand | Karnataka | Kerala, Lakshadweep | Madhya Pradesh (MP) | Maharashtra | Manipur | Meghalaya | Mizoram | Nagaland | Odisha | Puducherry | Punjab  Assam | Bihar | Chandigarh | Chhattisgarh | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | Daman and Diu | Central Govt of India-  Uttarakhand (UK) | West Bengal (WB)

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