Certified/Licensed By Govt of India
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization
Software Courses
* PG Diploma In Computer Application Skills (PGDCAS)
Eligibility - Graduation
Duration- 12 Months
Part-I (6 Months)
Fundamental of Computer, Windows (OS)
MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), MS Access
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
Part-II (6 Months)
C & C++, Visual Basic or Java Programming
HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Internet
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
* Diploma in Computer Instructor Training Skills (DCITS)
Eligibility - Minimum 12th
Duration- 12 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Windows (OS)
MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), MS Access
Tally or Visual Basic, HTML, DHTML
Programming Concept in C & C++, Oracle or Java
PageMaker, Internet
Computer Lab Practical
On Sight Practical Teaching +Viva
* Adv. Diploma in Computer Programming Skills (ADCPS)
Eligibility - Minimum 12th
Duration- 12 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Windows (OS)
MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), C & C++
HTML/DHTML/Java Script, VB, Oracle or Java, Internet
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
* Master Diploma in Computer Skills (MDCS)
* Honours Diploma in Computer Skills (HDCS)
Eligibility - Minimum 12th
Duration- 12 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Windows (OS)
MS-Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), C& C++
HTML, DHTML, Tally, Internet
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
* Diploma In Computer Office Management & Publishing (DCOMP)
Eligibility- Minimum 10th
Duration- 12 Months
Fundamental of Computer, OS (Windows)
MS-Office, Internet, Financial Accounting- Tally
DTP- PageMaker, CorelDraw, Photoshop, Scanning
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
* Advance Diploma in Computer Application (ADCA/ADCS)
Eligibility - Minimum 10th
Duration- 12 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Window (OS)
MS- Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, HTML,DHTML
C Programming, Tally or Internet
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
* Diploma in Computer Office Skills & Accounting (DCOSA)
* Advance Diploma in Computer Financial Accounting (ADCFA)
Eligibility - Minimum 10th
Duration- 12 Months
Fundamental of Computers, Windows (OS)
M.S Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) & Internet
Financial Accounting-Tally (Company Creation, Accounting, Reports, etc.)
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
* Advance Certificate in Computer Skills (ACCS)
Eligibility- Under Matric
Duration- 12 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Windows (OS)
MS-Office, MS Access
HTML, C Language or Tally, Internet
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
* Diploma in Computer Financial Accounting (DCFA)
Eligibility - Minimum 10th
Duration- 6 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Windows, MS-Office
MS Access, Financial Accounting-Tally
Computer Lab Practical, Project/Viva
* Diploma in DeskTop Publishing (DTP)
Eligibility - Minimum 10th
Duration- 6 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Windows (OS)
DTP- PageMaker, CorelDraw, Photoshop, Scanning
Computer Lab Practical, Project/Viva
* Diploma in Web Designing (DWD)
Eligibility - Minimum 10th
Duration- 6 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Windows, Basic of DTP
HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Internet.
Computer Lab Practical, Project/Viva
* Diploma in Computer Application (DCA/DCS)
Eligibility - Minimum 10th
Duration- 6 Months or 12 Months
Fundamental of Computer , Windows (OS)
MS-Office, MS Access, Tally or C Language or Internet
Computer Lab Practical, Project/Viva
* Certificate in Computer Skills (CCS/CCA)
Duration- 6 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Windows, MS-Office,
M.S Access, C Language or Tally or Internet
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
* Certificate in Basic Computer (CBC)
Duration- 3 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Windows (OS),
MS-Office ( Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
* Certificate in Computer Financial Accounting (CCFA)
Duration- 3 Months
Fundamental of Computer, Windows (OS)
Basic of Financial Accounting- Tally
Computer Lab Practical & Project/Viva
|Short Term Computer Software Courses|
* Certificate in Computer English Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Hindi Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Punjabi Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Marathi Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Bengali Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Sanskrit Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Kannada Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Telugu Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Tamil Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Oriya Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Malayalam Typing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Internet Application
(Duration- 1 Months/45 Days)
* Certificate in Web Designing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Basic Computer
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Fundamental for kids
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Programming (Language Name Here)
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Tally Accounting Skills
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in MS Office Skills
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Excel Skills
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Skills
(Duration- 1/2/3/6/12 Months)
* Certificate in Cyber Security Skills
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Computer Data Analyst Skills
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Photo Editing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in DTP Skills
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Java or C or Python or VB Programming etc.
(Duration- 1/2/3/6 Months)
* Certificate in Digital Marketing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6/12 Months)
* Certificate in Affiliate Marketing Skills
(Duration- 1/2/3/6/12 Months)
* Certificate in Graphic Designing
(Duration- 1/2/3/6/12 Months)
* Certificate in Basic Animation
(Duration-1/2/ 3/6 Months)
Above shown "IT Courses" Title & Syllabus are subject to change, may be updated as per requirements of our concerned "computer Software center" owner.
New "Computer Software Courses" may be added as per requirements of our computer Software Education Franchise Center (Institute) Director Requirements, and suggestion of our skill training experts & future job market need.
|Head Office|
"A National I.T. & Skill Advancement Training Programme"
Inititated By-
SITED-Sarva I.T & Educational Development (India)
Visit Official Website: www.sarvaindia.com
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Copyright© Since 2008, SITED-INDIA. All Rights Reserved.
Legal- All Mentioned Article contents or paragraphs on this webpage are Copyrighted by SITED- If the same contents are found anywhere e.g. on internet, websites, printed materials & in any digital form, then legal action shall be taken under copyright laws of India against defaulter/s. Note- All Softwares Name mentioned Above are only for promotion of Basic Skill Trainings under Non Commercial National IT & Skill Advancement Literacy Program of SITED outside formal education. We do not sale Softwares, You Student/Centre can contact for purchasing abovementioned softwares from their legal Authors, Owners, distributers, dealers etc.
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